Styles can be applied through the text editor. Styles have to be defined during development for each choice to work. If they are not defined then nothing will happen when selected.
Options available (top row)
Undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, find and replace
Media, link, image, anchors, special characters, horizontal line
Bold, italic etc text styles
Insert a table, set properties, add and delete columns and rows
Options available (bottom row)
Save, redo and undo
Save your changes undo them.
Choose paragraph formatting - heading, subheading, paragraph, quote - as per your sites design.
Character text styles
Bold, italic, underline, strike through
Paragraph alignment
Left, centre, right, justified
List styles
Bullet and numbered list styles
Superscript and subscript
Apply to individual characters
Horizontal rule
Insert a rule in a paragraph break
Insert and image in a paragraph
Apply a link to selected text or an inserted image