≈ Overview
≈ Features
≈ Simple content editing
≈ Advanced digital asset management
≈ Comprehensive page management
≈ Powerful role based permissions
≈ Free and open source
≈ Built on Laravel
≈ Try the demo
≈ How to get BoomCMS
≈ Product news
≈ Built with Boom
≈ Boom support
≈ Login
≈ CMS navigation
≈ Page editing toolbar
≈ Page setting options
≈ WYSIWYG text editing
≈ WYSIWYG slideshow editing
≈ Text editor
≈ Insert a video in text
≈ Asset manager
≈ Asset upload
≈ Working with assets
≈ Working with albums
≈ Create an album
≈ Editing images
≈ Asset search
≈ Asset picker
≈ Page manager
≈ Template manager
≈ CMS settings
≈ Manage account
≈ Edit robots.txt
≈ Contact for more information
≈ Info for content editors
≈ Info for developers
Page creation and modification dates
Basic page overview information
≈ Information
≈ History
≈ Template
≈ Navigation
≈ URLs
≈ Search
≈ Tags
≈ Relationships
≈ Child pages
≈ Admin
≈ Page access control
≈ Feature image
≈ Visibility
≈ Draft status