(A) Roll over an asset and click the icon to open asset options and editing tools
Opening an asset
(A) Roll over an asset and click the icon to open asset options and editing tools
Asset info
(A) Choose Info
(B) Images in the same album are displayed in a ticker. Open a different asset by rolling over and clicking the icon.
(C) Image editing toolbar, more about image editing
Asset attributes
(A) Choose Attributes
(B) Change the image title. By default this is the uploaded file name.
(C) The description is the 'alt attribute' which specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. The alt attribute provides alternative information if a user for some reason cannot view it or if the user uses a screen reader.
(D) Image credit if required. This can be configured to display in the page layout.
(E) The published date can be edited.
(F) Make an image only visible to a logged in user or group of CMS users,
Asset albums
(A) Choose Albums
(B) Blue albums contain the asset. Click on an album to add, or remove, the asset from it. The number of assets in the album updates to reflect the change.
Asset metadata
(A) Choose Metadata
Metadata from a digital camera or scanner. This might be camera EXIF data or other metadata.
Asset replace
(A) Choose replace Asset
(B) Upload a file to replace the exiting file. In all instances where the file is used in web pages the new one replaces the old.
Asset Replace - history
(A) Choose History.
When an asset is replaced 'History' is shown in the navigation.
History shows all versions of the same asset in the order that they have been replaced.
(B) Revert to any previous version of an asset. The reverted version becomes the latest version in the history list.
Asset delete
(A) Choose Delete asset.
(B) Click and the asset is deleted.